Friday, October 17, 2008

Lyon's Biodata

Lyon is an NUS undergraduate pursuing a bachelor degree in Life Sciences with concentration in Biomedical Sciences. Besides his passion in biology. Lyon has strong interest in business management as well. He continuously strives to gain knowledge in marketing field by taking related courses and participating in relevant activities. He is currently the marketing director of NUSSU Travel Service Executive Committee and he has been selected to head a few major school events in the past 2 years. Despite being heavily involved in major school events and projects, he has consistently achieved satisfactory standards in academic performance.

Lyon is an enthusiastic learner and he enjoys working with people. He is also most willing to share knowledge and experiences with others. Lyon works well both independently and as a team player. He believes in assuming responsibilities and embracing leadership in his undertakings. He could be considered passionate and dedicated to the work he does.


Blogger weiren said...

Hi Lyon,

I especially like this part,

"Despite being heavily involved in major school events and projects, he has consistently achieved satisfactory standards in academic performance."

I do feel that your employers would believe that you've great time management.

I also like the part where you described yourself in your second paragraph. A balanced yet flattering remark. (A little boasting here doesn't harm, does it?)

Overall, I feel your biodata is a very balanced description. You've described your achievements and character in accordance, leaving no room for your employer to imagine what sort of a person you might be.


October 19, 2008 at 9:14 AM

Blogger Lyon said...

Hi weiren,

In the past I really can't bring myself to use any forms of flattery on myself. It just feels weird and wrong to be talking about your own good points, doesn't it? However, as the number of interviews and presentations I have increases, I begin to see it as a form of marketing. I was always asked to describe my strengths. It was really tough at the beginning! Therefore, people should not see it as boasting, or else they would find it tough to "boast" about themselves. Since your potential employers would probably form their first impression of you by reading your biodata, I feel that it is necessary to use some strong words to catch their attention and stand out among the rest. Being modest and humble is a virtue which everyone should embrace. But being overly modest would only put you at an disadvantage when you're applying for a job. Like you said, a little boasting doesn't harm (:

Thank you weiren for your wonderful comments.

October 19, 2008 at 9:34 AM

Blogger Tiffany said...

Hi Lyon,

I totally agree with you about the part on flattering yourself. I used to think of it as boasting and being swollen-headed. But like you always say, this is the chance to market yourself. (p.s. Is that why you are Marketing Director?)

I guess it is the way a biodata is written that can bring out the best of a person, it can be flattering but so such an extent that people don't see it as flattering. Wow, if only I am able to achieve such a standard.

Great job on the biodata! I'm sure with this, many employers will be eagerly hunting you down. Cheers!

October 26, 2008 at 9:06 AM

Blogger Tiffany said...


"it can be flattering but so such an extent that people don't see it as flattering."

I meant "to such an extent.."


October 26, 2008 at 9:09 AM

Blogger Brad Blackstone said...

This is a good start, Lyon, but I feel it needs another statement or two about your academic background.

Thanks for this effort, and for making great strides at creating a web presence!

November 6, 2008 at 5:24 AM

Blogger Lyon said...

Hi Brad,

I have made some minor changes to my biodata in light of your recommendations. Thank you for your advices.

November 6, 2008 at 6:24 AM


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